
Who is GEBIS 

Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) is a Canadian based Buddhist organization. Within it, we strive to cultivate our inner compassion and wisdom by learning and living the Buddha’s teachings. It is our faith that Buddha’s education and values can help bring profound positive changes to the world. By putting the Buddha’s teachings into practice, our aspiration is to make our communities, and in turn the world, a better place.

2025 GEBIS Thangka Exhibit — Across the Millennia 

🔗Registration Form:
Please use the link below to access the registration form and secure your spot for the guided tour:

Prayers from GEBIS Monks 

In light of the recent pandemic, monks have recently added 1 more hour of prayers on top of usual routines.

And we hope our prayers can reach out to everyone who has been affected by the current situations at hand.

And we’ve also decided to allow anyone to write down the names of those you want us to pray for. Their names will be included in the prayers.

So feel free to fill in the form by clicking on the link provided below!

And we would like to share with you a part of our prayer that really resonate with us. There are 9 verses.

Hopefully you’ll like it!

May all beings everywhere
Plagued by sufferings of body and mind
Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
By virtue of my merits.

May no living creature ever suffer,
Commit wrong or ever fall ill.
May no one be afraid or belittled,
Or their minds ever be depressed.

And may the blind receive their sight,
And may the deaf begin to hear.
May those whose body are worn with toil
Be restored on finding repose

And may the naked now be clothed,
And all the hungry eat their fill.
And may those parched with thirst receive
Pure waters and delicious drink.

May the poor and destitute find wealth,
The haggard and the careworn, joy.
May those who despair be inspired
And imbued with enormous fortitude.

May there be timely rains
And bountiful harvests;
May all medicine be effective
And wholesome prayers bear fruit.

May every being ailing with disease
Be freed at once from every malady.
May every sickness that afflicts the living
Be wholly and forever absent from the world.

May those who go in dread have no more fear.
May captives be unchained and now set free.
And may the weak receive their strength.
May living beings help each other in kindness.

For as long as space endures
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I, too, abide
To dispel the misery of the world.

About Us

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) is both grateful and honoured to call Prince Edward Island, Canada, its home, a place beautiful not only for its landscapes, but even more so for its people.

We believe that by learning and practicing Buddha’s wisdom, we can achieve long lasting and far reaching positive impacts in the world. Read more…


Scriptural learning

“All living beings long to have peace and joy in their hearts. The Buddha has already shown us the way to achieve it, and that is through ethical discipline.”                                -Master Zhen Ru

For anyone with a strong interest in Buddhism, it is a great joy to listen to the Buddhist teachings. The wisdom and compassion of the Buddhist masters can guide our lives toward happiness and peace.

They help us eliminate our afflictive emotions, making our hearts brighter, gentler, more compassionate, and more hopeful.

GEBIS monastic communities devote a great amount of time and effort in learning and studying scriptural teachings. The core of their studies consists of The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment and the Five Great Commentaries

The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment was composed by renowned Tibetan Buddhist Master Tsong-Kha-Pa (1357-1419). It presents the core contents of all of the Buddha’s teachings in a stage-wise manner, making them easier for a practitioner learn and apply.

The Five Great Commentaries are prominent Buddhist texts written by great historical Indian Buddhist masters. They include: Commentary on the “Compendium of Valid Cognition”, Ornament of Clear Knowledge, Commentary on the “Middle Way”, Treasury of Knowledge, and Compendium of Discipline.

In addition to these core texts, monastics also study many other texts and commentaries written by esteemed Indian and Tibetan Buddhist scholars.These texts offer clear and detailed explanations which further students’ understandings of  the teachings on a progressively deeper level.

The study curriculum for the Five Great Commentaries usually takes 14 years to complete. Alongside conventional classes, this curriculum also places high emphasis on scriptural memorization and dialectics. Successful graduation from this curriculum is the Buddhist equivalent of gaining a Ph.D. degree.


Monastic Life

Inside the monastery

An Overview of the Daily Life of Buddhist Monks
In the monastery, the purpose of the daily schedule is to help a monk maintain good physical and mental conditions for learning and virtuous practice. Everything from classes, to prayers and prostrations, to chores, even to eating and sleeping – it is all part of a good day of learning and spiritual cultivation!
Read more…


A Place like Home

It is not at all uncommon for people to praise PEI for its natural beauty. For us, even more beautiful than the island’s landscape, are the hearts of its people. Sincerity, care, selflessness – these qualities shine within every friend and neighbor that we have come across. There is a saying, “The true value of life is making others happy”, and their actions truly embody these words. We are inspired and grateful to be a part of this wonderful community, to share and pass on this beautiful virtuous spirit together.

For more information, you can follow us on About Monks(Facebook).